Thursday, January 23, 2014

Affinity Diagram Activity

Our team's original affinity diagram

Other team's arrangement of our affinity diagram

Team Oval Beach Safari (could not get it to upload in the correct orientation)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

As Is Analysis -

Visibility of system statusThe posts by users are dated according to when the user wrote on the site. Feedback is confirmed after it is written. Copyright is 2014.

Match between system and the real worldRateMyProfessors relies on college students' involvement, therefore the language is very up-to-date and relatable. The site even has a "hot tomali" rating that rates how attractive a professor is. The rating scales use smiley faces and frowney faces as gauge, which is extremely popular in a world of emoticons. The site is very accessible and relatable for its target audience, with its informal manner.

User control and freedomStrong support for "back" or redo. After creating an account with a username that had already been taken, I clicked the Back button, and it had saved all the data I had just entered.

However, there are dropdown menus with far too many options. The user is forced to endlessly scroll down the dropdown menu. The sheer amount of data can be overwhelming, because it is only categorized by academic institution. Ohio State University has so many professors that it is a lot of professors to scroll through.

Consistency and standardsThe site is consistent with most website. There is fine print at the bottom of the page and the titles at the top.

Error preventionThe website did not alert my preemptively that the username was already taken. It could have told me as I was typing, rather than sending me to the next page.

Recognition rather than recallThe objects are very clear, and it is easy to understand how to operate. The advertisements can be distracting because they are so loud and distinctive.

Flexibility and efficiency of useThe site is fast with no wait time.

Aesthetic and minimalist design

The design is a bit too loud and does not take up the entire screen. Looks more "fun" that academic.

Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errorsError messages are clear and concise. 

Help and documentation
FAQ section can help users.

Monday, January 20, 2014

As Is Analysis -

Visibility of System Status
The site seems adequate in telling the user if a rating/review has been made yet.  As well, when you write a review/rating it immediately thanks you and confirms your submission of the specific professor and course.

Match between System and the Real World
The site uses appropriate language that is familiar to the user.  Information is logically displayed as a user is able to search a broad category (course name) and then to a more specific option (professor).

User Control and Freedom
User's choices are displayed in a linear fashion so the user can click to backtrack their broader searches.  Allows user's to easily go back to the course page and look at the different professors if they clicked on a professor and wants to review another after doing so.

Consistency and Standards
There is consistency within terms.  No confusion of what means what and if two phrases mean the same thing.

Error Prevention
Could not trigger error.

Recognition rather than Recall
The user is not forced to really recall information that has already been processed as the site shows a clickable stream of consciousness.  The user pretty much knows where they are in the website at all times.

Flexibility and Efficiency of Use
System could improve efficiency by condensing information and options.  Sidebar options are a bit redundant of the top banner options of the page.

Aesthetic and Minimalist Design

Aesthetic is pretty clean, but again, options can be condensed as they are a bit repetitive.

Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors
Could not prompt errors

Help and Documentation 
There is an "About Us" page as well as contact information of the contributors and social media connection.

As Is Analysis -

Visibility of system status
Besides the copyright date range of 2000-2014, I have no idea when comments were posted and how recently this site has been used/updated.

Match between system and the real world
The language is appropriate and most of the information presented is also appropriate. The placement of all the information seems completely random and disorderly.
User control and freedom
The site is pretty easy to navigate once your mind can filter out all the advertisements on the page and the really strange-looking interface. You can pretty much see all the links to click on one page and most of the information is displayed on one page.
Once you submit a review there nothing to click to go back to the site.
Consistency and standards
Every is what it says it is and everything that I expected to come up after clicking a link showed up
Error prevention
There should probably be a “confirm submission” page or pop-up before the review is actually submitted, or there should be required fields to prevent incomplete reviews to compromise the integrity of the review (I ended up submitting a really bad review because I didn’t finish it and tried submitting it).
Recognition rather than recall
All the links are pretty clear, but the site is so ugly and crammed with text and information that it might become hard for someone with a short attention span to find the same page they were looking for.
Flexibility and efficiency of use
The site responds very quickly
Aesthetic and minimalist design
Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
Did not know how to trigger error message/did not run into an error message
Help and documentation
There is an FAQ section but I did not find any other sources of help or documentation

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Charter Re-Evaluation

1. Business Goals: This site will be student-run through a Fisher Student Organization. This opportunity will be attractive to students who want experience in marketing, management, web-design, and entrepreneurship. Fisher Students are constantly looking for such opportunities. Because this is a student-based service, the goal is not to make money; therefore, ads are unnecessary clutter and will not be part of our business strategy.

2. Website Goals:
  • Deliver information
  • Easy to navigate + simple layout
  • Clear division between Business Specializations
  • Accurate and up-to-date information

3. User Tasks
  • User must provide create profile by providing e-mail upon entering the website
    • Free and anonymous profile
    • Must include Specialization, Year, and Cumulative GPA
    • Must write a review within 4 months of joining website in order to access information (except for Freshmen)

4. Differentiators
  • Web pages are very simple and straight-forward
  • Target audience is relatively small- only Fisher College of Business students
  • Student-run website
  • Search pop up option
  • Comprehensive list of all courses from each Specialization

5. Audience
  • 18-24
  • Fisher Students & Pre-business students
  • Heavy internet users
  • Engaged in academics
  • Trying to get a job after graduation
  • Wanting to learn skills needed in future career

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Team Charter

1.  Provide a forum for Fisher students to discuss their past business classes as an anonymous user.
2.  Provide information for prospective students to gain knowledge from other students about the class structure, textbook usage, and caliber of class.
3.  To maintain recent and relevant information on the site i.e. expiring old posts.

Research Plan:

1. Interview 6 Fisher students from different specializations about their preferences in how they go about choosing a class to enroll in.  These interviews can be one on one or in a focus group setting.  The interviews will take place in a closed area, as to eliminate any distractions.
2.  Administer a Qualtrics survey to FCOB students.  The survey should be 12 - 15 questions long asking students about their processes and preferences in choosing a class.  The survey will be organized by basic questions first, then complex and long-answer questions in the middle, while simple questions involving demographics should be last.  The survey will be administered online.

Business problem: There are a number of classes, teaching styles, and learning styles to choose from at the Fisher College of Business. Some students excel in large lectures and online classes, while others prefer project-based or Socratic style courses. The same course could be completely different, depending on the professor teaching it, and sites such as, where angry students go to vent, just aren’t cutting it. Students need a site that will provide objective and thorough information to help them choose which class to take and which textbooks to buy.

Mission: Our mission is to help students choose the right class for their learning styles and ambitions. Our site will provide FCOB students primarily with objective course information based on past syllabi. A secondary function would include student testimonials that will be monitored and updated.  Our hopes are that students who use this resource will be compelled to contribute to the course descriptions for classes they have taken recently.

Our team came to this idea after discovering that we were all Fisher Business students in different specializations and that we have all felt this need while deciding which classes to take and which professor to take it with. We also noticed that other sites that attempt to provide students with information (such as,, are not very secure sources of information. We also wanted to focus our website on Fisher classes so that we can be as thorough and as accurate as possible.

Web-related strategies: Visually simple & appealing to college students, easy to navigate and use.

Maintenance:  Maintenance of the finished site will include the expiration/deletion of posts that are older than 1 year.  As well, any irrelevant or inappropriate content posted about a class will be deleted.