1. Provide a forum for Fisher students to discuss their past business classes as an anonymous user.
2. Provide information for prospective students to gain knowledge from other students about the class structure, textbook usage, and caliber of class.
3. To maintain recent and relevant information on the site i.e. expiring old posts.
Research Plan:
1. Interview 6 Fisher students from different specializations about their preferences in how they go about choosing a class to enroll in. These interviews can be one on one or in a focus group setting. The interviews will take place in a closed area, as to eliminate any distractions.
2. Administer a Qualtrics survey to FCOB students. The survey should be 12 - 15 questions long asking students about their processes and preferences in choosing a class. The survey will be organized by basic questions first, then complex and long-answer questions in the middle, while simple questions involving demographics should be last. The survey will be administered online.
Business problem: There are a number of classes, teaching styles, and learning styles to choose from at the Fisher College of Business. Some students excel in large lectures and online classes, while others prefer project-based or Socratic style courses. The same course could be completely different, depending on the professor teaching it, and sites such as ratemyprofessor.com, where angry students go to vent, just aren’t cutting it. Students need a site that will provide objective and thorough information to help them choose which class to take and which textbooks to buy.
Mission: Our mission is to help students choose the right class for their learning styles and ambitions. Our site will provide FCOB students primarily with objective course information based on past syllabi. A secondary function would include student testimonials that will be monitored and updated. Our hopes are that students who use this resource will be compelled to contribute to the course descriptions for classes they have taken recently.
Our team came to this idea after discovering that we were all Fisher Business students in different specializations and that we have all felt this need while deciding which classes to take and which professor to take it with. We also noticed that other sites that attempt to provide students with information (such as ratemyprofessor.com, koofers.com, studentsreview.com) are not very secure sources of information. We also wanted to focus our website on Fisher classes so that we can be as thorough and as accurate as possible.
Web-related strategies: Visually simple & appealing to college students, easy to navigate and use.
Maintenance: Maintenance of the finished site will include the expiration/deletion of posts that are older than 1 year. As well, any irrelevant or inappropriate content posted about a class will be deleted.
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